Books We Produced

Secrets of the Seven Villains

Entertainment provides a catharsis when we recognize our struggles are like the plot points in a movie. Based on the personal experience of Judith Parker Harris, an entertainment industry veteran, Secrets of the Seven Villains takes a cinematic approach to analyzing the “voices in our head” by creating a Villain persona, graphic image, and story for each negative thought based on archetypal movie villains.

Villain voices are the thoughts, emotions, and painful moments in your life that you have not dealt with completely. They hang out in your body waiting for a crisis or challenge to pull you down. Villains meet us at the crisis or challenge points in our lives, both personal and business.

In the movies we call it an “inciting incident” that motivates an ordinary person to become heroic – it’s the moment when everything changes in your life, when colors get fuzzy, your voice sounds muffled and your movements are in slow motion.
The inciting incident for Parker Harris was the moment she heard her doctor say, “You have Multiple Sclerosis.” While the doctor was explaining her disease, she was overwhelmed by the voices of the Seven Villains.

It’s time to meet, confront and conquer your Villain (or Villains, as the case may be). If you know the secrets of the Seven Villains, you can take them down instead and keep them out of your life forever.

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Linda Arroz